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Now, more than 150 years later, the book and its many adaptations continue to resonate with the public. Published in 1862, the novel helped make Hugo the most successful writer of his day. It examines the nature of good and evil, delving into French history, politics, moral philosophy, law, and the nature of love.

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Les Misérables Les Misérables is a novel by Victor Hugo that focuses on the life of Jean Valjean, an ex-convict struggling to redeem himself. However, in British English, where are periods that end quotations usually placed? More.

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In American English, the punctuation used at the end of direct speech always appears within the quotation marks. Using Periods with Quotation Marks If a sentence uses quotation marks to indicate something that another person has said, and the quotation marks appear at the end of the sentence, the period can appear in one of two places.

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